Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is happening now and what will happen next?

mood: devastated

So... after i heard that SHuriken is gonna disbanded and they will have their last gig on 1st of November... it's not a fixed decision since they have 2 personnel left, but i decided to do tarot readings...

i'm not a pro in this, but what the card says is really straight to the point.
so basically we can sum it up like this:

this time, it seemed like the problems that has been escalading now explode (The Tower) and they decided to rebel and quit to follow each of their own ideas (the hierophant reversed). someone is tired to maintain his struggle (nine of rods reversed). They will probably can survive if they do what they have to do to survive so there's still hope (five of swords reversed). some people maybe feel this is unfair and their projects has crashed (reversed ace of swords) BUT there is possibility that they will have better financial state is they're not together (eight of pentacles) and this is the down cycle of life, but time will heal everything (wheel of fortune reversed).

i still dunno what to say but whatever their choice is, i will come on the 1st of November and give my last thank you for them.

most of my most precious moments that i will cherish forever is with then and with one of them, so i had done what i have to do: show my support and what will be will be... i'm just praying the best for each and everyone of them.

I love you SHu...

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