Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I found it.. I found my best friend.. :)

Eve said:
lovely isnt it? i fell in love with this pic for the first time i saw it..
i cant describe it more, i just can look at them and smile =)


  1. awww... that sooo cute. they look like twins tho...they have similar pigtails lol the right one seemed more mature coz she's leading the way :)

    mm... it seems like the photos u're interested to is more about friendship and relationship or expression is that rite? i'm more interested into colors and emotion... and strangely i like it better when there's only 1 person in the photo... hmm...there must be some psychological explanation for that :)

  2. Eve:

    ya that also rite, but colours and emotion too. actually when i grab this pic, the tittle is "two friends were walking through the desert" so when i look at it they like strengthen each other and walk together through happy and sad. for everlasting time :)

    only 1 person? uhm.. ya some psychological explanation for that hehe

  3. You prefer black and white photos than the color ones? owwww! i hope we can be like those little girls through life hehe :)

  4. Eve:

    for this pic, yes i prefer black n white. why?
    Amen. hope so :)
