Sunday, September 27, 2009

About our 1st layout...

mood: MySpace excited

answering Eve's question: why the feet? xD
i actually lol at her question. She's right. Why the feet?
well... this is the original pic i get:

i fell in love instantly with the photo (credits goes to momo ru) it has soul in it. So... because this blog was made to have fun and make ourselves better, a dancing feet picturing a carefree attitude (that means we can just have fun, be total retards and say what we want here ;) ) and i add wings at her ankle to say that we will always fly higher than now... that's why sisters, you can talk about everything here, happy things, depressing things... everything! coz this place is our playground to made to feel us feeling better and be better together :)

i made the stripes background and pick bright pastel colors to make happy and endearing atmosphere... well this is our 1st layout, so if we get bored we can always make another new... maybe... next month lol


  1. i like the wings!! ^^
    actually when the first time i saw the pic, what i thought was "legs?" it kinda strange for me, but when i looked again all the details, looked overall, it looks good. and from the first time i already get what u want to say from that pic, especially the wings ^^ hehe we have the same thoughts many time.

    Oo yah! the first time a saw that pic, theres a face, just half face, a girl.. did u put it there? and edited again? maybe that face that made it a bit strange..

    haha ya we can make many layout together.. it would be very fun ;D

  2. hoaaa! i forgot! i forgot to put "Eve said:.."
    ya that answer below was from me, eve ^^ hehe

  3. Jade here!

    w-w-w-what face? seriously. that's so creepy. this is the original layout... it's always been like this... i've never put a girl's face... what it's like?? T.T

  4. Eve:

    O~ouu~~ seriously van.. im not kidding. o~ou haha @__@;;
    that was real creepy. uhm.. i hope my eyes was wrong. coz i only saw it once, at the first time i opened this blog. actually she doesnt look frightenin at all. uhmm.. she looks like u van.. T__T

  5. oooo-okayyy... i don't see any girl face in that pc... not at all... can u explain to me what face u see there? it's not there now isn't it? >.<

  6. Eve:

    haha no its not there anymore.. @__@;
    next time if we open this blog together i will explain it to u XD
